Phantom's Daughter, book two in the Hands of Time series, comes out this Monday, July 16th!!
Back cover blurb...
Oregon, 1895
Assassin. Outlaw. Thief.
Flames, terror and falling into an endless darkness are all Hunter North can remember.
When she wakes up, her memory is gone.
In her reflection, she finds a stranger.
In the tales her father weaves, she finds one of America’s most wanted criminals.
Horrified at her identity, and the newfound knowledge that she is the daughter of an even more infamous outlaw than she is, Hunter wonders how she ever got mixed up in the wrong crowd. Wonders how she’ll ever escape and find the truth of her identity. But her father made it abundantly clear the night she tried to run the first time…if she attempts it again, he will find her, and when death finally comes…it will be a sweet relief.
But when the choice is taken from Hunter and she is forced to run to keep her life, her world collides with the man who holds the answers her memory has long hidden—the man who has been hunting her down for years—the bane of her existence, but very likely, her only hope—U.S. Marshal Ethan Fellows.
WHERE TO BUY-----> Amazon!!
If you haven't read book one in the series--Present History, you can find it on Goodreads here, and Amazon here!
Share with your reading friends, and if you post about it on social, make sure to tag me (your account will have to be public for me to see it) and hashtag #phantomsdaughternovel & #ashleynikolehot ('hot' stands for 'Hands of Time', but obviously...double meaning, right? hehehe)!! I love seeing your posts and where my books end up travelling!!
Peace out--& happy birthday, Phantom's Daughter!!!